Why choose Ymir
vs managed WordPress hosting?
Managed WordPress hosts (such as Kinsta, Pagely, Pantheon, WP Engine, etc.) charge a premium to let you host your WordPress site on their finely tuned infrastructure. And while they have for support, you’re still the one responsible if there’s a problem. With Ymir, you get the same incredible infrastructure as a managed host without the price tag or the worries.
Premium service with some catches
Locked down
In order to achieve speed and security, managed WordPress hosts lock down their platforms. This means that you have to use their server stack as is without the ability to change things. Some of them will also prevent you from installing certain plugins.
Complicated pricing model
Managed WordPress hosts have pricing plans based on visits and sometimes data transfer. These plan metrics are hard to understand and plan for. But they can lead to significant unplanned overages if your WordPress site gets a traffic spike.
Ymir offers a great alternative to managed WordPress hosts
Peace of mind
Once deployed, your WordPress site will be available as long as you pay your AWS bill. No more server updates, hacking cleanups, unexplained outages, and traffic spike blowups. If it worked today, it’ll work tomorrow.
Modern deployment workflow
With Ymir, you get more than just a WordPress hosting platform, you also get modern WordPress deployment platform. No need to upload files via FTP or put together some deployment script. Ymir packages and ships your code to your AWS infrastructure for you. And no sweat if you make a mistake, you can rollback your changes in seconds.
Less expensive
Ymir doesn’t mark up your AWS bill. You pay for what you use and a flat fee for Ymir. In most situations, this is going to be less expensive than an equivalent plan from a managed WordPress host.
Tailor your environment to your needs
With Docker deployments, you can install any library or PHP extension that you need like you would if you had your own server.
Which is right for you?
A lot of managed WordPress hosts have invested considerable time and effort developing user interfaces to make their platforms easy to use. They have a lot of one-click options to help you manage your WordPress site. This makes them an ideal choice for a non-technical WordPress site owner.
As a DevOps platform, Ymir is more than just a tool to host WordPress sites. That’s why it requires someone that’s technical, but also comfortable with command-line tools. Ymir has excellent documentation if you’re looking to learn about it. But if you’d prefer not, there are some more developer-focused managed WordPress hosts that might be a better fit for you.
Now if you’re using a managed WordPress host because you care about performance, scaling, security and uptime, Ymir might just be what you’re looking for. With Ymir, you get an infrastructure that’s secure, doesn’t need updates, can scale to handle any amount of traffic. All without you having to lift a finger.
This infrastructure will also cost you less than it would on a managed WordPress host. If you’re only hosting a low traffic site with a managed WordPress host, you might not end up saving much. But for a high traffic website (anything over the basic plan), this cost saving can grow to several hundred dollars a month.
If you resell WordPress hosting or if you’re interested in doing that, this is great. With Ymir, you’ll end up with more money in your pocket. Combined with the reduced support overhead of serverless, you’ll be enjoying the benefits of reselling WordPress hosting even more than before.
Want to see Ymir in action?
Check out the demo