Worry-free developer

Never worry about your WordPress server again.

Deploy WordPress on your own AWS-powered serverless infrastructure and leave your server worries behind. Ymir is a WordPress serverless DevOps platform for AWS that makes server updates, hacking cleanups, unexplained outages, and traffic spike blowups a thing of the past.

Server monster

You worry about your WordPress servers for a reason

When your WordPress server goes down, you're the one stuck dealing with it. You get blamed for something you had no control over. And it sucks because ...

  • Good managed WordPress hosting is super expensive.
  • Managing your own WordPress servers means you’re the one waking up at 3am to fix problems.
  • You can't afford to hire someone to do this all for you.

Ymir removes the word "server" from your vocabulary. Your WordPress site will run on serverless technology at a fraction of the cost of using managed WordPress hosting.

How Ymir gives you a worry-free WordPress server experience

  • No servers
    No more servers
    Deploy your WordPress projects on AWS serverless infrastructure. With Ymir, gone are the days of managing server updates, cleaning up hacked WordPress sites or dealing with server outages.
  • Traffic tsunami
    Ready for traffic tsunamis
    Your Ymir-configured serverless WordPress site can scale to handle traffic surges in an instant. Once the danger has passed, it scales back down. All without you lifting a finger.
  • No limits
    For the same price each month, Ymir gives you unlimited teams, unlimited team members, unlimited projects, unlimited deployments, ... You get the idea! Using Ymir lets you focus on the important stuff: Building kick-ass WordPress sites.
  • No mark up
    Your cloud with no mark up
    Connect your AWS account and maintain control over your cloud infrastructure. Ymir doesn't mark up your AWS bill. You pay for what you use and that's it.

“I take pride in my ability to push any tool we use at Mindsize to its breaking point. I tried my best to break Ymir, but only found edge cases that Carl resolved right away.”

Patrick Garman
Patrick Garman
CEO, Mindsize

Leave your WordPress server worries behind

Connect your AWS account
Once connected, Ymir builds and manages your WordPress serverless infrastructure on top of Amazon's best-in-class cloud services.
Create your project
Ymir creates and configures your WordPress project's environments, databases, caches and CDNs. Just grab a cup of coffee and let the magic happen.
Deploy to your cloud
Ymir packages up and deploys your WordPress project to your AWS cloud infrastructure. In minutes, it's available globally.
Enjoy peace of mind
Your Ymir-managed WordPress site is now running on AWS serverless infrastructure. You never have to worry about your WordPress server ever again.

Want to see Ymir in action?

Check out the demo
Ymir deployment